Highworth United Reformed Church

Here for you



 Highworth United Reformed Church

We are a Christian church of faithful people,    
                             searching for God's guidance,                       
                                          trying to follow the way of Jesus.                                          

             we are here for you   


church front


God our creator,
The glory of this season reminds us of your artistry
As nature displays a riot of colour:
Bright berries on the hedgerows,
Trees aflame with oranges and reds,
Golden leaves carpeting the rich dark earth.
Let all creation sing your praise!


God our provider,
The bounty of this season reminds us of your goodness
As nature bursts forth with abundance:
Boughs heavy with ripening fruits,
The soil yielding buried treasure of root vegetables,
The stubble fields telling of a harvest safely gathered.
Let all creation sing your praise!


God of our living and dying,
The turning of the season reminds us of our frailty
As nature goes through change and decay:
The morning mists softening the landscape
The days drawing shorter and the nights colder
And on the air the smell of mud, and bonfires.
Let all creation sing your praise!


God of all time and all seasons
We come before you now,
All too aware of our smallness and our brokenness.
All too aware that our insecurities, our selfish thoughts
and our secret desires are an open book to you.


God of mercy, forgive us:
Our words and actions have injured others.
God of mercy, forgive us:
Our silence and inaction have injured others.
God of mercy, forgive us:
For the harm we have done to the earth.
God of mercy, forgive us:
For we have failed to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you.


God of mercy, forgive us and renew us.
Help us to live in each moment and in every circumstance
Lives of generosity and peace.

Cara Heafey


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